Issue 15: Combating Eating Disorders & Breaking the Stereotypes through Body Positivity


Message from Editor in Chief

Eating disorders are a significant public health issue affecting individuals and communities worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate among all mental health conditions, making them a crucial area of concern for healthcare professionals and policymakers. Globally, it is estimated that around 70 million people are affected by eating disorders, and the prevalence of these disorders is increasing every year. In the United States alone, an estimated 20 million women and 10 million men suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives. These disorders can affect anyone, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. In Asia, there is growing concern about the prevalence of eating disorders, particularly among young women. In Japan, it is estimated that 1 in 20 women suffer from an eating disorder, with anorexia nervosa being the most common. In China, studies have found that the prevalence of eating disorders is increasing, with an estimated 3-4% of women suffering from an eating disorder. Eating disorders do not discriminate based on age or gender. While it is true that these disorders are more commonly associated with young women, they can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. During the past few years, the prevalence of eating disorders has increased in Pakistan. Eating disorders are not a lifestyle choice, a diet gone wrong or a cry for attention. Eating disorders affect approximately millions of individuals in our country and still remain misdiagnosed. Early intervention efforts aimed to increase body acceptance and promote body positivity can reduce disordered eating symptoms as well as help to create an environment that encourages healthy recovery. Since the past two years, Cyntax Health Projects has been working in collaboration with the Academy of Eating Disorders, USA through its initiative Eating Disorders Association of Pakistan (EDAOP) to promote awareness regarding eating disorders in Pakistan through its advocacy campaign. EDAOP is the 1st ED association working in the South Asian Region dedicated to the identification of eating disorders, their prevention, breaking stigma attached to negative body image by raising awareness, providing education, and serving as the leading resource of support and identification of treatment resources in Pakistan. This special issue of She Matters has been launched as a part of our ED advocacy campaign on the theme “Combating Eating Disorders & Breaking the Stereotypes”. This issue includes my journey as a researcher on EDs and President of EDAOP, Body Positivity Fashion Runway 2023, messages from our International Advocacy Partners, role of body positivity awareness in eating disorders recovery, eating disorders in men, role of therapy in eating disorder recovery and stories of individuals who have broken down the stigma linked with eating disorders. I would like to acknowledge that launching this issue would not have been possible without the great and much appreciated contributions from the editorial and technical team. The robust intellectual support and well time contribution of content writers deserve special appreciatory applause. Our team expects similar sort of sincere dedication from the writers in near future. Enjoy reading the issue!

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